Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wii rules according to our 5 year old

Today I overheard Jordan and Nolan "discussing" why Nolan is not allowed to play the Wii. Ryan and I did not make this rule, Jordan did. We have been having a lot of issues with Jordan not wanting to share his Wii with his younger brother. We have caught ourselves bribing Jordan with treats, money, games, movies, no school, etc. IF he will share his Wii with Nolan. This still has not worked out for us, cause our kids are smarter than us. Anyway, back to the "discussing" part. I heard Jordan telling Nolan HIS new set of rules for playing the Wii and I had to share.

1. If you touch my Wii and your hands are dirty, you are not playing.
2. Do not pee on the couch.
3. Do not pee in your diaper while you are by the Wii
4. You can never be Batman, only Robin
5. You better learn to follow me
6. If you do any of these, I will spank you until you get a rash!

Nolan pulls out his pacifier from his mouth and says "I have poo".


  1. What a crack up!! I love the rules. Sounds like my little nephew talking to his little sister. Too funny

  2. I believe he just violated rule three. Tough breaks kid.

  3. Ha ha those are hilarious, however not too bad of rules!
